You are all One Breathing, Living Organism

We are moving into a new era of the evolution of human consciousness. Now is the time that humanity seeks going inward on a level many have not explored before. As social structures collapse, many new awarenesses coincide with the need to go inward into the unique individual energy of each human and each soul who has chosen an expression that only he/ she can bring forth into the world at this specific time in human history. The need for light workers to create systems of consciousness expansion is imperative to the survival of the species. The victim mentality of seeking out external systems or sources to depend upon for perceived safety and security is over. Now is the time that all must recognize the voices they have: to observe their inner world and heal or to deflect, distract and get consumed by the external world that is set up in a way that provides the ultimate allure of shadow material that illuminates the inward expression of heart and light but also the full outward focus creates a trap of stuck energy in which the individual and therefore the collective spins in the same circles of overwhelm and confusion as you are currently witnessing now.

No, this cannot continue if the fullest expression of consciousness is to be made known and embodied for the human species at this time. This is the exact catalyst to create the breakdown of social and political structures that served a purpose at the time of creation and evolved into what is now the current democratic system of the US that clearly has many gifts and strengths along with various flaws and shadows as the citizens impacted are currently observing on a large scale in this time of history. So what is it that you are to do, you ask? Well it’s less about doing and more about BEING with yourselves in a new way which allows for heart expression and connection on a level that humanity has experienced with a select few individuals who have exhibited high levels of embodiment of the fullest expression of unconditional love as described by the universal consciousness that is ever evolving and transforming into something that always was and always will be. It is within this being realm that all of you will be fully FREE! So be free.

Take a look around you and recognize that you are all one breathing, living organism made up of a tapestry of unique colors, spiritual gifts and expressions of heart and mind that are unique to each individual soul. This tapestry of quilt squares, dark and light must take flight into a flurry of creation in which the common body of humanity works together to weave the energetic threads to crest the connection of light and dark, a variety of hues that create the quilt of humanity in which all can be free to live in their fullest expression of Soul outside of any bias, trauma, negativity and perceived challenge. The going deep into the well of shadow time is here, you see. You are all taking a deep dive into the depths of the well to pull up the shadow material, to take an even better look in order to see clearly what needs to be woken up in order to be free. This examining of the shadow material, pulling it up in a bucket, shining the light of the sun onto it, illuminating exactly what it is to be seen, felt, understood and held within the heart with genuine compassion is part of what humanity is here to be present to at this time. It involves a collective well and also individual wells that involve the fullest and truest expression of each Soul’s potential for healing and growth and evolution of consciousness.

Those who are willing to dive deep into the shadow will indeed feel and embody the contrast if the light. It is not an exact science, in fact it will feel messy and uncertain most of the time. Rest assured that any and all emotions you choose to feel around individual and collective journeys at this time are not in vain. They are all necessary for the freeing up of shadow material to create an expansion within the solar plexus and therefore releasing any learned helplessness that has been passed down from generation to generation. This change in the energetic system is one that will give each soul the opportunity to access personal empowerment on a deeper level than before. Again, there is no exact formula for this nor will there ever be. It is an organic, free flowing process that will be exactly as it needs to be for the highest good of all beings on the planet during this time in human history.

We love you all, we support you, we honor you in choosing to live on planet earth at this time in which much transformation is not only possible but is happening right before your eyes as we speak. Do not choose a narrative that involves burden, fear or reproach. Recognize the choice you have every minute of every day to create a storyline that embodies the truth of how you choose to show up for the story of your own life in a way the glorifies your highest expression of self and therefore the fullest, most embodied embracing of heart centered consciousness and self-will along with collective healing, growth and development of a more connected, loving way to BE with one another in ways that many of you have a remembering from other realms.

Bring this remembering to the planet now, dear one. You are the embodiment of loving awareness and you are here to collaborate with those who have a similar energetic frequency of pure connection and heart openness and awareness to bring this vibrational healing to the planet at this time. We love you, we support you, we are with you holding your hand every step of the way and we just want to say that every day is a new day so celebrate this unique time you have to give, to love, to embody grace and care and with that, we would like to share that you are here to be present in the heart. Be bold, be brave and be the brilliant, unified expression that is YOU, encouraging others to live out their own unique Soul blueprints. We love you, we support you, we honor you, through and through. It’s your time to shine, so shine on and be the lighthouse for those who are seeking radiance and brilliance in their luminous wisdom. All is well and all will be well and so be it and so it is. Let it be so.


New Era of the Evolution of Human Consciousness


Sea of Possibility