Sea of Possibility

“Let the story go. you cannot possibly know.

Life is an endless sea of possibility if you allow it to be. Practicing this is the key to be free. Do you want to be free? Or so you want to live in the metal trap of the confinement of the mind? Do not make assumptions. you cannot possibly know. Let the story go and you will continue to grow in your capacity to BE love. To rest in your awareness. To float on top of the sea as it cradles you and rocks you gently to sleep. It is none of your business what others may be thinking, feeling what stories they are running. It is none of your business unless you try to make it your business and then it becomes pure chaos that was not yours to begin with. Don’t you see? In order to be free you must be disciplined in practicing the art of dropping the storyline. Free the mind of the trap. BE in your body and allow your heart to be illuminated with joy and love from within that radiates throughout and focus on cultivating this stillness that gently arises from within you and extends out into the awareness of others from the heart, NOT the mind.

How can you BE love, you ask? Well, you can start by making zero assumptions of what someone else may be thinking or feeling….When you feel amplified with fear and anger, this is survival energy. Notice that when you are in survival energy, you do not have the capacity to respond with heart awareness. It is not possible. Remember to only respond from a place where you have access to your heart. This is where you start. Observe, be kind to yourself and take your time to. try something different. Do you want to step off the roller coaster ride or do you want to ride it over and over and over again? The choice is yours.”


You are all One Breathing, Living Organism


Letting Go