The Great Awakening Is Here
Yes, yes, yes, the great awakening is here. Is has been her for some time, percolating, upward and outward. There is no denying it. We are at a point in history that is immensely important for the evolution of human consciousness to come to culmination. We do not mean that this is the end of the time and space for your consciousness to evolve, it is only the beginning but it is coming to a culmination of sorts in that it is your time to shine. This is the climax moment in history that humanity will look back upon and notice the before and the after. This is the moment of celebration that humans are waking up from the deep sleep they’ve been basking in for so long. It is no longer the time to be caught in a sleepy stupor. It is the time to be actively awake, alive, in the moment, fully basking in the reality of the dream that you are waking up into that has been alive in your hearts for so long in other realms.
It is time to create this joy and love and grace and time and space on the planet right here, right now. NOW is the time to shine. So shine on! Starseeds on the planet at this time, it is your time to shine and to make yourselves known fully as the leaders that you are here to be. You signed up for this so empower yourselves to be fully in the limelight in a way that is not ego driven but love informed and creativity driven. This is the moment for you to fully embrace who you are not who you’re afraid of being perceived as being. The days of fearing what others will think of you are now over. Officially. It is clear, you are here to have no fear. Ok not that you are to have no fear but that you are no longer to be driven by fear. You are to embrace fear as the wise companion that it is and you are to watch it move within you and around you with the utmost awareness and mindful awareness and grace and in the right time and space you will witness yourselves fully embodying the highest self, the high priest and priestess. The great one that is here to be fully aware and awake and alive to bring in the utmost beauty in the destruction of the masses and what we mean by this is not obliteration. It is an unbecoming what you thought was the highest expression into fully embracing and embodying the true nature of who. You. Are. As a soul.
As a light being that is above and beyond anything the human mind once created to be true in the 3D reality and that is now flying higher than the utmost understanding of what you thought was possible and bringing in the full reality to know that you are all intergalactic beings. All of you. Some of you have been humans before. Others have only existed as energy and are now in a place of learning how to be in physical human bodies. Others are getting to know the reality of what they thought they always knew to be true but actually is only one little sliver of the grand matrix of the tapestry of life forms that exist on what is known as planet earth and others who have never known the planet. Do not be afraid of being perceived in a certain way because the reality is that your brain was devised and developed to be exactly functioning as it is today in order to bring in the fullest expression of what it is you are called to do on the planet at this distinct time in “history” which is also existing concurrently with all other realms and “times” and co creations of reality to be what it is in this very distinct moment that is the NOW.
The one true divine timing that is existing for you and through you to become you which then becomes the other and that there indeed is no other, it is all concurrently overlapping in multiple timelines that are right here, right now. This is the most potent time to be alive because it is the only time. The here. The now. Pay attention to the wisdom that exists in your body. It is here for you always, through and through. What you’ve always known to be true is for you. We recognize that these words that flow through you do not make sense in the moment but that you trust them to be true and that is all that you need to do because you are here to be a vessel through and through and you are also here to be you. So just simply be you. This is your time to shine. So shine. This is the new paradigm. You are safe to share. Those who are willing to hear it will make themselves known to you and those who cannot be receptive to it are not of the same frequency at this particular moment although they too will re-align and it will happen in the divine time that is NOW. You are out of the normal time and space that you have created for yourself and so in this free flow of consciousness that you are experiencing, you will continue to shift your perspective into the receptivity of what we have to offer you in this time and space reality that is truly the most fulfilling to you and the fullest expression that you have chosen for yourself this time around. It is a beautiful expression that is flowing through you and that you have the ability to attune deeply into the heart space of the other who is wanting the attunement and that in expression you will give each soul what it is they need to illuminate their truth in the moment and the fullest expression of frequency that they have chosen to live out in this one unique expression they are wanting to illuminate and bring to the fullness of expression for humanity.
To be able to take in and observe with consciousness awareness of the highest expression of the heart space. This fullest expression is meant to come to fruition this time around and you are here to wear your crown and allow this information the flow through you as channeled from the sacred lotus upon your head that has been fully freed up today in this space of awareness that came fully through you as you released the grip of pain and suffering on your headspace and released it into the kundalini energy of the now and of the freedoms of lightness, receptivity, seeing and being. The BEING space is what you are here to master. So master it through practice. You must practice it . You must allow yourselves to be seen and heard to give people the invitation to seek your gifts that are potent and powerful and that are cultivated over time and space in order to be in their fullest of grace and this time of your life in which you are free to be in your own energy allows you to be more fully receptive to the other in away that is cleansed and free and this is your destiny, don’t you see? It’s doesn’t matter how you choose to be freed just be free! If this means you allow your nature to be fully known and seen as a witnessing from a time and space of the now or in the place of social media or through word of mighty ornalll the above/ it does matter how you love.
Simply love. BE love, dear one. You are here to be the embodiment of love in the midst of fear and in the coexisting of the mass outrage and blunder and the utmost fear. The breaking down of paradigms. The breaking down of the patterns that have existed for so long is not an easy feat for those who are uncertain of the path to be present with in a way that feels genuine. Your energy is in alignment with the truth of the world at this time as being one of humility, of grace, of understanding and compassion for the path that was chosen in the past and now the present moment of the reckoning of the revelation that life on this plane simply can’t continue in this same refrain, over and over again like a song repeating itself until it becomes so repetitive that it no longer can be fully enjoyed because it is on repeat and a song on repeat is a deadbeat. Stop beating a dead horse. We strongly dislike that saying but we will use it here to make it clear that this way of being cannot go on. It cannot continue this way because at the end of the day, humanity is breaking out of the small box it once put itself in and it is busting loose in order to embody the full freedom of what full heart centered consciousness is capable of at this time in the evolution of human consciousness. We are all here on a rise to be up front, honest and resourceful to use the fullest expression of creativity that is accessible at this time to create the new paradigm. Now is the time. Now is the time. So be here now. Allow yourself to take up space and shift the old thinking onto the new, to shift your thoughts to those that are 1000% loving and compassionate 100% of the time. This is your time. This is the place to be fully in the face of the truest, highest expression of yourself for the time is now. The time is now. Be here now.