A New Paradigm

Don’t you see? It’s all here for you! It’s your time to be free. So be FREE!!! Take a look and you will see the time is now. It is all here for you, not against you as you know now indeed! This is the prime of your life. In fact, every moment of every day is the prime of your life. Don’t you see! It’s time to be free from worry, free from the suffering created by the egoic mind that oftentimes is demonized but no, it shall not be made fun of, you see because it serves a purpose. Survival. That is the only purpose of the egoic mind, you see. Humanity is moving along the lines of freeing up the egoic mind so that there can be more room for ease and flow, for the ability to be present with less efforting and more grace for the nervous system is under a great re-construction at this time in the evolution of the human species.

Humans are always evolving through time and space and place and in this moment in “time” humans are evolving at a rapid rate. Some of you ask, “but why then is the political system going backwards in such big ways?” And we would say that it is all necessary, you see. It is necessary to fully see the history of what was created in order to move more clearly through to the other side of expansion and freedom. The great contraction is here. One of many, many great contractions in human history since the dawn of time. This is movement into the new paradigm. This is the time for going inward and reconciling what it is that was put forth many, many years ago when humans decided to take ownership of anything and everything, you name it…humans labeled and stamped and bought land and people and created an economy out of slavery of the people and chains of the women to keep the minorities suppressed and to be in a place of the Egoic mind that was all about domination.

Again this was all out of what humans at that time deemed appropriate for “survival” purposes, yet the truth of the matter is that there was a great dysfunction in the minds of these men, yes men, not women, who chose to dominate, control and manipulate according to what their selfish desires were at the time. This was a huge shift away from the communal mentality that existed before. This was a way of opening the door to a new way of being which involved stomping out the “lesser than” to create perceived safety. It was all a manipulation. Was it intentional, so you ask? Is manipulation ever intentional? Yes, indeed it is. Manipulation is a dark seed that was planted in the psyches of many during this time of focus on owning land and buying and selling farmland in particular. With buying and selling farmland came a great discovery that humans could also be “bought and sold” and therefore this led to the downfall of the beautiful equality that once existed in planet earth. There were other times in history before this in which equality was tested, you see, but the “owning” of people was a deep dive into devaluation of humanity which led to genetic mutations in the way of creating inadequacy, lack of self worth…questioning the inherent worthiness of the self in a way that became so big for the masses that this gene mutation became widespread amongst humans of every race and ethnicity. It became a sad, dark cloud that existed in the psyches of many, which now has been passed down and created an epidemic of widespread proportions within the US population.

This is a time in which the domination pattern can be put to rest. But it must get big first so it can be seen by the masses. Why must it get any bigger than it already is, you ask? Well it must become crystal clear to the vast majority in order for positive change to occur on a systemic level. We speak of the US because this is the country where you happen to reside and this is the superpower that is currently under the microscope of many world leaders and humanity in general. The downfall of the selfish leader epidemic is on its way, you see. We cannot predict the when or the how bet we do know that this is the trajectory in which you all are headed. Be bold. Now is the time to work for good in the world in an amplified way in which you create bubbles of light and love in your small communities. Create paradise in your neighborhoods. Be the light and bring the connectedness and unconditional love you have experienced briefly here on planet earth and extensively in other realms. You have a knowing of this energy deep in your heart. This is where you start. In your heart.

Let your passion bubble up onto every feeling of your being and allow yourself to be seen and known as a light worker here to illuminate the possibility for humanity at this time. You are here to embody your gifts as you are already doing in many ways. Keep in the creative flow and you will know what is right for you to pursue at what time. This is the time for you to move with steadfast love in your heart and a fire in your being as the passion for heart centered consciousness to flourish in your community. Start small and it will become a blazing passionate fire of transformation of the best kind. It is not a fire of destruction, it is a fire of repair and new growth. Image of an old growth forest being burned down to release seeds of new life and an allowing of the new saplings to grow with their tender branches extended up to the sun to receive the light in a new way.

This is uncharted territory. Creating something new. Please, just be you. And we will support you, through and through...It is time to fully let go of the old paradigm of hard work and to begin working smarter not harder. This is the new world. Embrace it. Live in it fully. Do not allow yourself to get stuck in the old but propel yourself forward during this time of freedom in all areas of your life. Keep going, keep going, keep going. Have FUN and enjoy the run. Be free. Let it be. Be free.


The Great Awakening Is Here


New Era of the Evolution of Human Consciousness